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MER, 2008. Feasibility of mitigating physical disturbances to eelgrass in northern Casco Bay: Impacts and Options. MER, 2008. Evaluation of the variability, applicability, and suitability of the redox potential and total sulfide measurement methodologies (Wildish et al., 1999) for determining benthic organic enrichment state and their use as regulatory compliance standards in Maine. Report prepared for the Maine Aquaculture Innovation Center (MAIC), 28 February 2008, 51pp. Battelle and MER, 2007. Casco Bay Red Tide 2006: Intensified Paralytic Shellfish Poisoning (PSP) monitoring program. Heinig, C.S., 2007. Benthic diver video survey for proposed floating dock installation project, United State Naval Air Station (NAS), Truman Harbor, Key West, Florida. Report prepared for Appledore Marine Engineering, Portsmouth, New Hampshire, Heinig, C.S., 2007. Interim Report: Ichthyoplankton and zooplankton sampling, Downeast LNG, October 10, 2007, 45pp. Heinig, C.S., and B.P. Tarbox, 2006. Lobster Population Density and Distribution in Relation to Habitat Quality. Report to the Maine Department of Marine Resources, Lobster Research, Education and Development Program, June, 2006, 25pp. Heinig, C.S, John W. Sowles, and Lori Gustafson, 2006. Evaluation of LiftUp system in the mitigation of environmental and fish disease impacts in net-pen aquaculture. NOAA NMFS Saltonstall-Kennedy Program Technical Report, March, 2006, 39/80pp. MER, 2006. Recovery Survey Report, Former Hardwood Island, Tremont, Maine. Prepared for Friends of Blue Hill Bay. Heinig, C.S., and Daniel Millar, and Stephen Karpiak, 2006. Subtidal proposed dredge area and adjacent intertidal area habitat characterization survey for proposed boat house removal/construction project – United State Coast Guard Station, Boothbay Harbor, Maine. Report prepared for Appledore Marine Engineering, Portsmouth, New Hampshire, 3 March 2006, 9/24pp. Heinig, C.S., and Daniel Millar, and Stephen Karpiak, 2005. Recobbling Survey 1 June 2005 and Eelgrass Monitoring 8 August 2005, The Harborside Inn (Formerly Golden Anchor, Inc.), Frenchman Bay, Bar Harbor, Maine. Report prepared for Ocean Properties, Inc., Heinig, C.S., 2004. Merepoint Boat Landing Facility, Merepoint, Brunswick, Maine: Water Quality Impact Assessment. Heinig, C.S., 2004. Eelgrass delineation and habitat characterization survey for proposed dredge project, United States Coast Guard Station Fort Point, New Castle, New Hampshire. Report prepared for Appledore Marine Engineering, Portsmouth, New Hampshire, 26 August 2004, 16/23pp. Heinig, C.S., 2003. Finfish Aquaculture Monitoring Survey - Benthic Infauna Data Summary. Prepared for the Maine Department of Marine Resources, 27 June 2003, 70pp. Normandeau Associates, Inc., MER Assessment Corporation, and Albert Frick Associates, 2003. Expanding and Sustaining the Shellfisheries of Casco Bay - Phases II and III. Report prepared for the Casco Bay Estuary Project, September 2003, 142pp.Heinig, C.S., and D.S. Millar, 2002. Pre-dredge baseline diver/video survey for proposed dredge project, Portland Harbor Approach Channel. Report prepared for Portland Pipe Line Corporation, May 27, 2003, 18pp.Heinig, C.S., 2002. Final Project Report, Lobster Resource Mitigation Portland Pipe Line Corporation Pier No. 2 Facility, South Portland, Maine. Report prepared for Portland Pipe Line Corporation, December 19, 2002, 14pp.Heinig, C.S., 2002. Final Report - State of the New Meadows River: A report on the current environmental and resources status of the New Meadows River and surrounding watershed. Report prepared for the New Meadows River Watershed Project Steering Committee, April 16, 2002, 55pp. Heinig, C.S., 2001. The Impacts of Salmon Aquaculture: The Difficulties of Establishing Acceptability Limits and Standards, MER Assessment Corporation & Normandeau Associates, 1998. [1998-1999 Portland Harbor Dredge lobster impacts mitigation plan].1998 / 1999, 7pp. Heinig, C.S. and Brian Tarbox, 2000. Pre-and post-dredge survey and relocation of the American lobster, Homarus americanus, population in Portland Harbor, Maine. Final Project Report prepared for Portland Harbor Dredge Committee and Casco Bay Estuary Project, February 15, 2000, 51pp. Heinig, C.S. and Seth Barker, 2000. Municipal Shellfish Management using Geographic Information Systems. Report prepared for the Casco Bay Estuary, July, 2000, 34pp. Heinig, C.S. Overview of Maine Department of Marine Resources Finfish Aquaculture Monitoring Program: Eight Years of Monitoring, 1992-99. Report prepared for the Maine Department of Marine Resources and the Joint Standing Subcommittee on Marine Resources of the Maine Legislature, February, 2000, 57pp. Heinig, C.S. and Kenneth J. La Valley. Recruitment Enhancement of the Soft-shell clam, Mya arenaria - Final Project Report under National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Award No. NA76FD0096, August 4, 1999. Normandeau Associates, Inc. and MER Assessment Corporation, 1999. Expanding and Sustaining the Shellfisheries of Casco Bay - Phase I. Report prepared for the Casco Bay Estuary Project, March 1999, 36pp. Heinig, C.S., Donald Newberg, Peter Moore, and Louisa Moore. Economic Analysis of the Soft-shell Calm, Mya arenaria, Industry in Casco Bay. Report to the Casco Bay Estuary Project, February, 1994, 93pp. Heinig, C.S. and D.E. Campbell, 1992. The environmental context of a Gyrodinium aureolum bloom and shellfish kill in Maquoit Bay, Maine, September 1988. J. Shellfish Res. 11:1(111-122). Heinig, C.S. and B.P. Tarbox. A Range and Distribution Study of the Natural European Oyster, Ostrea edulis, Population in Casco Bay, Maine. Report prepared for the Maine Department of Marine Resources at Intertide Corporation, 1985, 37pp. NCCA 2010 Field Procedures Manual